Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Hi everybody! Just wanted to start off with a ginormous thank you to everyone who has checked out my blog! It just launched this week, and has already reached 266 Page Views! Also, thank you to everyone who has voted in the poll, given me feedback, and answered my questions over on CB! 

Speaking of Questions, this post is about my Opinion Question of the Week! This weeks question was: 

Do you believe rares and youth potions are used as a status symbol? 

I would like to thank Beemeowz0, fabiothefabulous, zephyranthes, biscuitboy1, byris and Kelie1982 for answering this weeks question! Check out their opinions below. 

Kind of, sometimes they are... It's less with rares because everyone has an equal chance of getting one and having one doesn't make you special...you're just lucky. I use youth potions in my first farm as a main part of the design, but I didn't do that to show off. I just did it because it looked good and was something different but I think some people have used them to do that. 

I think youth potions are for sure used as a status symbol. Some people place them all over their farms where it isn't needed. It's just screaming "look at me, ooh, i can afford them!" It's really silly if you ask me. I think rares are to a point as well, because some people don't let you buy them, just because they don't want things to be possibly ruined... there comes a point where it crosses the line. 

It is. It's kinda oppressing to people who don't have enough money (like me). I mean, those people can afford to have a thousand youth potions and as I'm writing I only have a small amount of farm bucks, so I'm sorta writing this from a biased point of view. Sometimes people just rub it in your face that they can basically buy anything and you can barely afford a food barrel.

I think yes. I have a lot of farm bucks, but I don't buy any youth potions because I think they're not needed at all. It is a status symbol because they are a lot of money. 

I think some people might TRY and use rares and youth potions as status symbols - but I don't think it's very effective on a site like cb. People are more interested in creative farm designs and breeding projects than in what other players are capable of hoarding - someone could fill an entire farm to the brim with youth potions and I don't think it would earn them nearly as much actual respect/admiration as a meticulous lineage or an inventive design. On other sites, flaunting expensive items and rare creatures would definitely impress other players - here, you just look silly.

Rare items possibly. But I don't see the need to fill a farm to the brim with youth potions. Personally in my opinion, if I'm to have youth potions I will keep them in my inventory until I need them. I don't buy many anyways. I'd rather use decorations to fill my farms instead of using youth potions. But you know, everyone has their own taste. And that's alright by me. It's not my farm, so who ever uses them, to each their own. :)

Once again, thanks to everyone who answered this weeks question! 
Make sure to check out my farm Frostbite for the next question! http://creaturebreeder.com/farm/view/887476
Make sure to check out BeHappyNow xD's cool CB site!  http://cbinfo.weebly.com/