Hey everyone!
Thanks for checking out this weeks post. So, the whole reason I started this blog was to have you guys be involved. I personally love Opinion posts the best because it gives me a chance to really have you guys involved. But I'd love it if you guys were involved in every post! Always feel free to leave comments on posts, expressing your opinions, giving me feedback, or even giving me ideas to improve this blog!
To involve you guys more, I've decided I'll be alternating between different posts every tuesday. For the rest of the summer there will be a new post every tuesday (wednesday at the latest) and hopefully you guys enjoy it!This week I'm comin back with another favorite - Opinion Question of the Week! This weeks question is...
Do you think it is ethical to sell trophies?
Thank you to the following farmers for answering: Karens, Winks, emma_m, WerewolvesRP and TurboTime! Here are their answers:
Absolutely not! A trophy or award is for a personal accomplishment. If the owner of the trophy no longer wants it they should return it to Creature Breeder. It's all about having integrity.
Honestly, no, I don't. What's the point of doing all that hard work to win a design contest and then selling the only thing that you can show for actually winning? (I mean besides the design, of course, but the trophy is proof). Also, a lot of the people who want to buy trophies are talented designers themselves. Why buy one when you can win one and have some meaning in it?
I honestly think nothing of trophies and I think they shouldn't be sold for a couple of reasons,
1- you didn't win the contest so you want people to think you won it?
2- Why do you want/need it?
3 Win something on your own
Honestly I think it is quite pointless selling them
I don't think trophies should be sold. It shows that you put in hard work and effort and won something for it. Selling it seems like it was all for naught or like you wanted the prize just for the money you could make off of it.
What do YOU think? Is it ethical to sell trophies? Leave comments below!
And that's all for this week! Make sure to stay tuned - the next post will be another highly requested post...
Until next time,
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