Saturday, 19 July 2014


Hey everyone!

Thanks for checking out this weeks post. So, the whole reason I started this blog was to have you guys be involved. I personally love Opinion posts the best because it gives me a chance to really have you guys involved. But I'd love it if you guys were involved in every post! Always feel free to leave comments on posts, expressing your opinions, giving me feedback, or even giving me ideas to improve this blog! 

To involve you guys more, I've decided I'll be alternating between different posts every tuesday. For the rest of the summer there will be a new post every tuesday (wednesday at the latest) and hopefully you guys enjoy it!This week I'm comin back with another favorite - Opinion Question of the Week! This weeks question is...

Do you think it is ethical to sell trophies?

Thank you to the following farmers for answering: Karens, Winks, emma_m, WerewolvesRP and TurboTime! Here are their answers: 

Absolutely not! A trophy or award is for a personal accomplishment. If the owner of the trophy no longer wants it they should return it to Creature Breeder. It's all about having integrity. 

Honestly, no, I don't. What's the point of doing all that hard work to win a design contest and then selling the only thing that you can show for actually winning? (I mean besides the design, of course, but the trophy is proof). Also, a lot of the people who want to buy trophies are talented designers themselves. Why buy one when you can win one and have some meaning in it?

I honestly think nothing of trophies and I think they shouldn't be sold for a couple of reasons, 

1- you didn't win the contest so you want people to think you won it? 

2- Why do you want/need it? 

3 Win something on your own 

Honestly I think it is quite pointless selling them

I don't think trophies should be sold. It shows that you put in hard work and effort and won something for it. Selling it seems like it was all for naught or like you wanted the prize just for the money you could make off of it.

What do YOU think? Is it ethical to sell trophies? Leave comments below!

And that's all for this week! Make sure to stay tuned - the next post will be another highly requested post... 

Until next time, 


Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Ciao, Caribbean!

Howdy farmers!

One last vacation post for ya. First off, I'd like to alert you guys to a few things. Now that my vay-cay is wrapping up, I'll be starting up some old posts that some viewers are fond of.

Alright, moving on! These past few days have been pretty nice. On sunday I went down to a black sand beach with my grandmother, cousins, and Great-Aunt. The beach was called "Kittle Beach", as it's named after the Kittle Volcano. For those of you who may not know this, the sand is turned black because of volcanic ash. It looks so beautiful, and I swear it sparkles and glittlers when the sun shines on it. But it is hot enough to burn your feet, so we all ran straight to the water as fast as we could. I can't swim, so I spent the majority of my time just playing near the shore, flailing in the shallow water, or sailing around on boats. It was gorgeous, and I'd love to go again some time!

Yesterday I went to the downtown market to buy the last of my souvenirs, and to go for lunch with my Grandma and some cousins. We went to a gorgeous rooftop hotel, and had fresh tuna, crab, chicken, goat.... it was wonderful.My mouth is watering again at the thought of it. Afterwards I went and got my final cone of icecream, and we headed back home. We leave on thursday morning, so now we are just packing our suitcases and enjoying our last few days in the sun. 

Not much exciting news on my part, but that's it! Thanks to all who requested these vacation posts, and enjoyed reading them! :) When I get home I will edit the previous ones and add some photos, but until then this is it! 

Starting Friday the blog will return to normal with OQW, Design Showcase and whatever other posts you guys request! Currently on CB, I have four designs up for bidding - go check em out! 

AND, if anyone is interested in reading, I've put up the third chapter to my story! Any reads, votes, and comments are greatly appreciated! 

Until next time, 


Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Carnival Fever!

Hey farmers!

I'm back again with another vacation post. First of all, I'd like to let you guys know my vacation is coming to a close. I return home next week thursday. 

Alright, enough of that. So far this week has been wild! In the Caribbean it is Carnival season, and it is really hard not to get swept up in the fun of it! On Monday I ventured down town for Juvay. Juvay is the kickoff parade for Carnival. Juvay starts on Sunday night, and people literally dance in the streets until monday afternoon. We woke up at 5Am and went downtown which is extremely early for me. 5AM here is 3AM back home for me! So initially I was pretty sluggish, but once I got down town there was no sleeping there. Huge trucks with Djs blaring music cruised down the roads, and people were dancing, drinking and throwing paint on eachother! Groups of people would run around tossing paint at others, and dousing themselves in rainbow arrays of colors. The music was so loud you could feel your rib cage rattling with every breath, and the ground beneath your feet thrumming with energy. The happy mood of the crowd was infectious and I danced until I couldn't dance anymore. 

Yesterday, was the Carnival Costume Parade. We have something similar to this where I live called Cariwest, but this was so much more. This was a judged event, so each costume group was very strict and proffessional... except for the fact that they all had drinks. Each group was sponsored by a different alcohol company, so they had an unlimited supply of alcohol with them. The parade floats and dancers were so pretty and full of vibrant flowers at the start, but by the end they were a lot drunk. It was pretty funny to watch them near the end, stumbling around! xp 

Today is a beach day. Everybody just goes down to the beach, rain or shine, and swims. Pretty boring day, but it was really nice swimming in the rain. Well, flailing since I can't really swim. Whatever. ;p

That's it for me! Hope you enjoyed this short update. I would really love it if you guys read my story. I'm starting to slowly write a story on this amazing site/app Wattpad. Any reads or comments/votes are greatly appreciated. Even a quick glance is amazing! Please read: 

Until then,


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Rain, rain, and Shane!

Hey everybody!

Got another update for you. Not too exciting but you guys asked for it!

First off, I'd like to say HAPPY CANADA DAY! I know like 99.9%  of you don't care but if there are any farmers from Canada you can share in my excitement. And secondly, I need farmers to showcase! Got cute farms? Pets for sale? Designs you worked hard on and want the world to see? Well let me help! If you want me to showcase you and your farms, let me know by clicking here. Go to my second farm and let me know why you think you should be showcased. If I'm interested, I'll respond (after my vay-cay ;] )!

SO I haven't been up to much since arriving here on Friday. Me and my grandmother arrived really late at night cause our flight kept getting delayed due to rain. It would start pouring and stop. Then pour some more. It went on like this for about three hours, and at this point we'd already been sitting in the airport for nine hours! Eventually we made it in, and what were we welcomed by? RAIN! It rained like crazy all through the weekend, causing us to ironically have no running water at night, internet connection was lost, and no tv. Let's just say I'm glad i packed my kindle - I got A LOT of reading done.

Today the weather held up, so I got to go downtown to the market. My grandma had a field day buying mangos, soursop, sugar apples and coconut some yummy fresh fruit that just doesn't taste as good back in Canada. Afterwards we headed out for lunch.

For lunch, we decided to go to KFC. I haven't had KFC/Any fast food in two years, but decided to give it a shot. They have multiple breadings here in the Caribbean - Spicy, original, sweet, etc. so the chicken is pretty cool here! But this was no ordinary fast food joint. It is THREE FLOORS, and has an elevator curling around the outside. We walked up to get lunch and there were literally people piling into the street from the place! It was pure madness, but I gotta say it was worth it.

Other than that I've just been lounging about playing with puppies, playing cards, and reading. Sorry if this was another lame update haha but hopefully next week's will be better! The summer Carnival starts next week, so I'll have lots to write about.

Ooooone last thing! My favorite youtuber of all time, Shane Dawson, has a movie coming out soon titled "Not Cool". If you could check out the trailer (click here) I will be forever in your debt! Just kidding. But seriously check it out I am so pumped and it's going to be in theaters not just a little youtube thing but i'll stop rambling now. Other than that, that's a wrap on this small update!

And please remember - I need farmers to showcase! Got cute farms? Pets for sale? Designs you worked hard on and want the world to see? Well let me help! If you want me to showcase you and your farms, let me know by clicking here. Go to my second farm and let me know why you think you should be showcased. If I'm interested, I'll respond (after my vay-cay ;] )!

Until next week,
